About Us

Firm Foundation Developments is a Multi-Unit,  Residential Development Company. Mainly focusing on  retirees, it specializes in providing affordable, accessible housing in community Settings. Good access to everyday healthcare with a reasonable commute to a large centre is something FFD looks for when planning every project.

Firm Foundation Developments is not a building company but a development company. As such it does the initial work in finding good development locations, designing a model, and marketing the concept to buyers. FFD works with credible, local Builders to then create an affordable, energy efficient, finished product.

Meet The Developer – Dave Swinton

Dave approaches development with over 30 years experience as a landlord, property manager and developer. He has come to understand that the  basic things that a tenant looks for in a suite are the very same things an Investor should be looking for.

A stable, happy tenant that isn’t high maintenance creates a stable, good return on investment for an owner.

Along with this comes an appreciation for a holistic approach to life. Dave recognizes that well-being is composed of not just meeting physical needs but social, emotional and spiritual as well.

That said, creating independent, but supportive communities that recognize our differences and Respect our personal choices is foremost to Dave.

Firm Foundation Developments

Firm Foundation Developments is a professional home building company that also specializes in property rental and investment properties.

Contact Us


Division of 2314066 Alberta Inc.

President: David J. Swinton

Website: firmfoundationdevelopments.com

Business Address

Firm Foundation Developments 
Regus Business Centre
2500, 500- 4th Ave SW
Calgary, AB T2P 2V6

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